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Benefits of Onsite Massage

1 Hour CE Course

Average rating based on the following evaluation questions:

  1. The presentation of the subject was clear and to the point.
  2. Content was interesting to me.
  3. I gained new knowledge.
  4. The materials held my attention.
  5. I can use this information in my practice.
  6. This program met my personal expectations.
  7. Overall quality of course content and materials were excellent.

Enrollment Options

Fully Online Materials and Test

Contents: 4 original online articles; plus online multiple-choice test



Learn how to expand your practice through onsite massage. Combining four articles written especially for the Institute's Massage Professionals Update E-newsletter, this brief program will provide insights into:

  • Attracting new clientele and increasing profitability with chair massage.
  • Including onsite massage at colleges as part of your business.
  • How incorporating massage at the workplace can decrease stress and depression, increasing productivity.
  • Avoiding injuries when performing onsite massage.

In the Benefits of Onsite Massage program we've combined four articles written especially for the Institute's Massage Professionals Update. These four articles include:

  • 8 Ways to Grow Your Massage Practice with Chair Massage - Here's how chair massage can help you grow your massage practice, help more people, increase profitability, and attract and build new clientele.
  • Scholarly Chair Massage Opportunity - Find out the many reasons for a massage therapist to consider those striving for a collegiate degree to be their potential clientele.
  • Bringing Massage Therapy Into the Workplace - In order to change the alarming statistics on stress and depression in the workplace, employers with foresight will be seeking solutions. Capable of easing stress and depression, the demand for bodyworkers who perform chair massage is likely to skyrocket.
  • 10 Tips for Avoiding Injury With Onsite Massage - Portable massage tables have been around since 1910 - though back then portable did not necessarily mean light in weight - and massage chairs were invented in 1986. But doing onsite massage therapy on a regular basis is still relatively new and, in order to avoid injury, requires an increased awareness to one's surroundings.

You can either read the articles by clicking on any of the titles above or upon enrollment you'll be able to access these articles and your online test through your online course account.

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This was very helpful information for me to help gain more customers. Thank you.

A. VanEpps, LMT, NCTMB

Best exam in the world, amazing experience. I really love it

M. Shinouda, LMT

Another Fantastic Course!!

Jennifer Naro, LMT

Excellent refresher course with some new insight for me

Cynthia Widick, LMT

I really liked this one! Lots of insightful information

Kristy Jones, LMT

I appreciate the References for the articles. The information was valuable to me and my practice.

Karen Loden, LMT

I appreciate the information in this course and look forward to applying it.

Carrie Stringer

I really enjoyed this one! I thought I could get them with just my knowledge of doing chair massages..and I am glad I studied first!! Very interesting!!Thank you all for making it so easy to do my CEU's.

Maria R. Vaca, LMT

Very good thanks!

Douglas Emil Dewitt, LMT

All information was presented in a clear, concise manner, easily understandable.

Susan DeSanzo, LMT

This course provided me with many resources for increasing my practice!

Rhonda Heyns, LMT

I enjoyed every course I took. The information presented was clear and backed up by research further proving the many reasons why massage is beneficial for optimal health. Very professional format and easy to use website.

Jane OMalley, LMT

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Learning Objectives

  • Identify several venues where chair massage can be marketed as well as various marketing ideas and points of liability issues.
  • Explain the benefits and logistics of marketing chair massage to college students.
  • Explain the benefits of bringing massage therapy into the work place using research results and statistics as well as using chair massage as an ideal modality for businesses to offer as an employee benefit.
  • Identify safety points and procedures to consider when doing client on-site massage.
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