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Universal and Standard Precautions

3 Hour CE Course

Average rating based on the following evaluation questions:

  1. The presentation of the subject was clear and to the point.
  2. Content was interesting to me.
  3. I gained new knowledge.
  4. The materials held my attention.
  5. I can use this information in my practice.
  6. This program met my personal expectations.
  7. Overall quality of course content and materials were excellent.

Enrollment Options

Fully Online Materials and Test

Contents: online manual; plus online multiple-choice test


Materials and Test Shipped to You

Contents: Manual and workbook with multiple-choice test shipped to you.



Do you know how to guard yourself and your clients from infectious diseases? Learn how in this short and clear course. This course meets the Universal Precautions requirement for Missouri and the communicable disease requirements of most states.

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Content Outline

Communicable Disease 0.5 hour
Standard Precautions 0.5 hour
Hand Washing 0.5 hour
Specific Communicable Diseases 0.5 hour
Therapeutic Actions 0.5 hour
Resources for Further Study
Appendix: CDC Infection Precaution Guidelines
Open-Book Test and Course Evaluation 0.5 hour
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All of the facts were very informative and to the point.

Anna Lasseter, LMT - Exeter, MO

This course was excellent, to the point and very thorough.

Barbara Ann Munoz, LMT

Excellent course outlining the western view of pathogens we may face in our day to day practice.

David Scott; HHP, MSTOM San Diego, CA

I loved being able to get this done at home at whatever pace i needed to go.

Jennifer Signaigo LMT

Great refresher, lots of good information presented in a concise manner.

Marian C Shell LMT NCTMB

Very useful for any health professional!

William E. Laquale, LMT, NCTMB

Excellent course.

Dru Gehring, LMT, NCTMB

This was a great course. Clear and understandable. Really enjoyed it. thanks so much.

Donna Jack, LMT, NCTMB

The text are well writen and put together I found the glossary to be very helpful.

Genevieve King, LMT

Having worked in an institution for over 30 years, I found this course to be in-line with required information to work in this setting. An excellent job by Ms. Burch in developing and presenting the material in a manner that was easy to understand and incorporate into practice. Well done!

Joseph Pipkin, LMBT

Straight to the point material - easy to understand.

Danielle Ungaro, LMT, NCTMB

Very quick and easy to understand. Information was concise and to the point. I'm very satisfied!

Antony Fanelli, LMT

Great review of Standard Precautions. Easy to read and take test in short period of time.

Sarah Reyes, LMT

Short & sweet, informative.

Emily Gordon, LMT

It is the best course.

Thanh Huynh, LMT

Great course with critical information needed to stay safe while helping others!!!

Robin Warren, LMBT

Clearly presented and easy to use online course.

Michelle Barnett, LMT, NCTMB

Great info!

Chris Magill, LMT

This was excellent. I work in hospital lab and have taken a lot of these types of courses and I still learned new info from this one.

Elizabeth Henry-Barlow, LMT

Good refresher.

Angie Champine

I really was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this course. I selected it because it is a topic we should review every few years, I did not expect to enjoy it and feel like I have a handy reference guide to go to with the charts in the course material. Excellent!

Patricia Rice, LMT

Practical information for safety of the client and massage therapist.

William E. Laquale, NCTMB

I loved this course! It was a good refresher course for how diseases are spread, but what I found fascinating in the chapter on "Specific Communicable Disease". The visuals in the hand washing protocol are excellent. It was very helpful to learn the "Therapeutic Actions" that I can apply to my practice. Also the "Recommended Resources for Further Study" at the end are excellent sources to expand on the subject matter.

Theresa Lynn Mims, LMT

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Learning Objectives

  1. Identify four pathogens responsible for communicable diseases.
  2. Describe three routes used by pathogens to create contamination.
  3. Explain the role of standard precautions for body-centered therapists in reducing the risk of pathogen transmission from contact, airborne and droplet sources of infection.
  4. Recognize methods of transmission and signs and symptoms of common viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic communicable diseases.
  5. Determine symptoms of communicable diseases where standard precautions must be followed as body-centered therapies are contraindicated.
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Sample Text

"Standard Precautions

It is important to note that pathogens travel both ways, so both the client and/or the therapist can transmit pathogens to each other unless appropriate precautions are maintained. In order to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued a set of guidelines, called Standard Precautions, which outlines requirements that all health care personnel must follow. Standard Precautions synthesize the major features of Universal Precautions (UP) and Blood Stream Infections (BSI), which were earlier and less inclusive precautionary measures." (Universal and Standard Precautions by Sharon Burch, MSN, RN, NCTMB, 2002, p.

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Sample Test Question

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s most recent guidelines for preventing communicable disease are called:

  1. Standard Precautions
  2. American Health Code
  3. Occupational Safety and Health Requirements
  4. Universal Precautions
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